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objectFactory - Variable in class org.julp.db.DBDataWriter
objectList - Variable in class org.julp.AbstractDomainObjectFactory
Collection of Objects (data)
objectList - Variable in class org.julp.Pager
objectsTotal - Variable in class org.julp.PageHolder
offset - Variable in class org.julp.db.DBDataReader
optimisticLock - Variable in class org.julp.db.DBDataWriter
Current Optimistic lock setting.
OptimisticLock - Enum in org.julp.db
options - Variable in class org.julp.AbstractDomainObjectFactory
options to set to DataReader and DataWriter implementations
options - Variable in class org.julp.db.DBDataReader
options - Variable in class org.julp.db.DBDataWriter
org.julp - package org.julp
org.julp.db - package org.julp.db
originalValues - Variable in class org.julp.AbstractDomainObject
overrideCatalogName - Variable in class org.julp.db.DBDataWriter
If overrideCatalogName == true and catalog from metaData is null than use catalog member variable
overrideCatalogName - Variable in class org.julp.db.DomainObjectFactory
If overrideCatalogName == true and catalog from this.metaData is null than use catalog member variable
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